Engaging Marginalised Youth for Sustainability - EMYS

Engaging Marginalised Youth for Sustainability is a two year long , transnational project which aims to trigger the motivation and enhance the capacity of young people to take actions and implement initiatives on local, regional, national and European level. By doing so, young people will become change makers equipped to advocate and deal with the challenges they face in their communities but also on a European level.

Through the cross-border Sustainability Training, the toolkit with the training material, the Local

Advocacy Groups which will be created and trained on a national level, Public Debates, Consultation Meetings with decision makers and the Youth Networking event, which will conclude with the creation of the EMYS Network Manifesto, the project will touch upon the following objectives:

  • Create networks and coalitions among youth organizations, young people and activists in youth movements across the EU
  • Foster and develop increased opportunities for young people, by supporting them in creating grassroots initiatives and youth-led projects
  • Empower marginalized youth and underrepresented youth and improve their capacities to become informed decision makers and change makers in their communities
  • Raise the need for awareness, that only through transcultural cooperation we could provide a solution to the global crisis of climate change
  • Explore and develop NFE methods and techniques
  • Cultivate lobbying and advocacy competencies among young people
  • Enhance cross-sector innovation and collaboration with young people.

Through the project activities we will engage 400 young people and provide them with the necessary tools and knowledge to become change makers to create and advocate on a grassroots level the issues they feel that are of importance to them. Indirectly through the Spread the Word Campaign Vol.1& 2 and the publication of the EMYS manifesto we foresee to have an outreach of at least 3000 young people.

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