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50 % Pesticide Reduction - Mission Accomplished or Time for a Reliable Indicator?

The recently published HRI 1 trend by Eurostat (see figure below) suggests that the EU has already achieved its target of cutting the use and risk of pesticides by 50%. However, upon closer examination, this is not the case. 

In this webinar, we will demonstrate how the goal of the SUD to reduce dependency on pesticides is being undermined by a misleading indicator. We will present an alternative indicator, which captures various ecological and human toxicological risks.

Grafik zur Pestizidreduktion
European Comission


50% Pesticide Reduction - Mission Accomplished or Deception by a Misleading Indicator?


  • Introduction (5 min)
  • Video: The Deceptive Harmonised Risk Indicator 1 (3 min)
  • Maria Zintl (IFOAM): Impact of the Misleading HRI 1 on the Organic Farming Sector (10 min)
  • Martin Dermine (PAN Europe & Save Bees and Farmers): How Pesticide Reduction is Faked with the HRI 1 (10 min)
  • Helmut Burtscher -Schaden (GLOBAL 2000): An Alternative Risk Indicator (10 min)
  • Q&A and Discussion (20 min)

Online via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82037786082?pwd=MLWgtJVOiya63azSaNO2flEXwWoJnx.1external link, opens in a new tab

All views expressed on this website or the webinar are  the authors’ and speakers’ and not necesserily the view of the European Commission. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101037128.

30.09.2024, 10:00 - 11:00


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